Our Vision
To proceed with no imaginary concepts but to cater with a focused determination
Our Mission
To continue our efforts to provide our customers superior Quality and reliable products With our DBL Logo
Deen Brothers, the business founded in 1940 by Deen siblings – S.M.M. Shareef Deen & S.M.M Nazeer Deen, was a prominent business in Matara at that time and later experienced a down turn with the social issues during 1970s.
Having left his secondary education at St. Aloysius’ College Galle who had had primary education at St. Mary’s Convent Matara , Mr. M N M Najeeb Deen , the present Managing Director took a challenging decision and joined the crumbling business in 1977 with a determined mind. His sole intention was to breathe new life into the business. His energized and vigorous youth, at the age of 17, was going to give a new facelift to the business. With many development projects those functioned at Matara , at that time, and through his intervention the business managed to get involved in those projects. They supplied materials to Balast Nedam , the company which was entrusted the construction of University of Ruhuna. The business secured many supplying contracts to Begferast who involved in Nilwala River Project and other projects like Nilwala College of Education, Akuressa, Road Development Authority, Lunugamvehera Project and other mega projects like Gam Udawa.
The business which recorded a gradual success was converted to a Limited Liability company, in 1982 of which Mr. M N M Najeeb Deen was the Managing Director.
As one of his own concepts, the Managing Director with a focus on self employed category in 1990 ventured into deal with industrial , mechanical tools, equipments and machinery which was a revolutionary step for the benefit of small scale industrialists and entrepreneurs.
A further step ahead was placed in 1992 by venturing into Imports trading and commencing an island wide distributorship. The first agency was Priyanandana Stores, Kamburupitiya, a milestone of the dealer network of the business. More emphasis was focused on after sales
services and as a result many service centers were established. Expanding the business to the outer peripheries from Matara, in 1993 a new branch was opened in Colombo. At present the business has its our own 4 storied business complex at Sangaraja Mawatha Colombo which boasts of the business success.
In 1995 the company was the appointed agent for Oregon Blount and range of electrical and hand tools for Carpentry and Industrial sector are distributed through a network of dealers. At present through over 500 agents these products are distributed island wide under the prestigious brand name DBL With Warranty.
With intensive overseas traveling and participating in many trade fairs, trade exhibitions & conferences and giving a much insight to their Research & Developments we, the company, carefully select quality products which are ideal for our agricultural, industrial, mechanical and technical requirements. We directly import these quality equipment from the manufacturing plants from the countries all over the world including USA, Germany, China, Japan, India and Taiwan.
The salient specialty in our trade is that the Logo itself carries the With warranty tag line ; an undisputed testimony of the quality and warranty of our products.
The secret of our forward march is that we deliver quality products embedded with a warranty. We were awarded Best Overall Performer Awards for consecutive three years in 2007,2008 & 2009 at INCO exhibition.
We have separate departments in our business such as Marketing Unit, After Sales Service Unit, Accounts Department, Storage and Transport Division to streamline the service process.
We have 5 subsidiary companies under our wing and our work force exceeds 200 employees at present. Our first banker was Bank of Ceylon, apart Hatton National Bank, HSBC and Sampath Bank are our bankers at present.
The business has propelled forward due to the Managing Director’s visionary leadership, commitment towards the business and honesty & loyalty displayed throughout when dealing with customers, sales agents and staff. As a tribute to his services, he was bestowed with many accolades, an Honorary Award for Imports & Distribution, Honorary Doctorate for Business Management and Deshamanya, Sri Lanka’s highest national honor in recognition of his immense contribution to the society.